Course Duration: 1 Year,2 Years

Course Details

Chahal Academy provides five courses to aspirants. 1) Foundation Course:- (1 year) Prelims + Mains + Interview (General Studies + Current Affairs) 2) Advance Foundation Course:- (2 years) Prelims + Mains + Interview (General Studies + Current Affairs) 3) Basics to Advance Foundation Course:- (3 years) Prelims + Mains + Interview (General Studies + Current Affairs) 4) Prelims Test Series:(3 Months) (General Studies + Current Affairs + CSAT) 5) Mains Test Series: (3 Months) (Essay + GS1 + GS2 + GS3 + GS4) All the Courses will include: Prelims + Main + Interview (General Studies and Current Affairs Classes) + Study Material in Hard Copy + Prelims Test Series + Regular Mains Answer Writing Practice + Monthly Current Affairs Magazine + Library Facility + Study Circle.

Are you providing Training Classes
IT Courses / Govt Exam Preparation
Higher Studies / Studies Abroad
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