Course Details

"Versant Training -Talent Resourze The Best in Hyderabad"TALENT RESOURZEJobs in MNC's / Training & DevelopmentVOICE & ACCENT/ VERSANT Training for all major MNCs.American Accent Training Only @ Talent Resourze Hyd-VERSANT TESTReadingRepeatQuestionsSentence Builds- VOICE INTONATIONLevel 1 BasicLevel 2 IntermediateLevel 3 Advanced- STAIRCASE INTONATION- PRONUNCIATION- LISTENING & SPEAKING ACTIVE LISTENING- PITCH & RATE OF SPEECH- TELEPHONE TUTORIAL
What Is Accent?Accent is a combination of three main components: intonation (speech music), liaisons (wordconnections), and pronunciation (the spoken sounds of vowels, consonants, and combinations).
Watch our video on youtube: https://youtu.be/NXkibHpkjQQ
Call us and speak to our Corporate Trainers. Hina: 8801476521/ 9059815405/ 7794862683/ 8523098065/ 9059461732/ 9000531733Office : 040 64640488/ 89
Join us on Facebook: www.facebook.com/talentresourze.tr/ (14,000+ Likes) Videos on YouTube: https://youtu.be/NXkibHpkjQQ
Address:TALENT RESOURZE:Synosoft Building, 3rd floor, Opp. New Hyundai Showroom, Near Lakdi Ka Pul, Masab Tank Main Rd, Hyd.

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