Course Details

SIP & IMS Training Course ContentSIP (Session Initiation Protocol)??Session control??Servers & Proxies??Message format??SIP Transactions??Responses??Registrations??SIP Addressing??SIP Architecture and Components??User Agent??Proxy Server??Registrar Server??Redirect Server??Location Service??SIP Methods??SIP Response Codes??SIP Message Transport??SIP Message Structure??SDP??SIP Server Discovery??Basic SIP Procedures??SIP Registration??Call Establishment??Proxy Mode Operation??Redirect Mode Operation??SIP Security??The Role of SIP in IMSReal Time Protocol - RTP??RTP Structure??RTP Payloads??RTCP??RTP Flow Examples??SIP and RTPIMS Introduction??Evolution of 3GPP-specifiied Networks??The IMS Market??Benefits for the Operator??Benefits for the End User??Some Sample IMS Serviceso File Sharingo Instant Messagingo Voice Messagingo Voice Telephony over IMSo Video ConferencingIMS Functions, Protocols and Components??Multimedia Session Management??Mobility Management and Roaming??QoS??Service Execution??Third Party Service Support??IMS Architecture??IMS Protocols and Componentso SIP - Session Initiation Protocolo RTP - Real Time Protocolo AAA using DIAMETERo IPv6??IMS componentso P-CSCFo I-CSCFo S-CSCFo Databases: HSS & SLFo Application Servers (AS)o Border Gateways (BG)o Media Resource Function (MRF)o Breakout Gateway Control Function (BGCF)??IMS key interfaces and interactions (ISC, Sh, Cx)??IMS User Identities??IMS Registration and Session Control??IMS ChargingIMS Procedures??IMS Registration??SIP Call Flows??IMS Session Control??SIP Proxy Operation??SIP Redirect Operation??SIP Call Flows??IMS Roaming??Roaming ScenariosIMS Security??Architecture for IMS Security??Using SIP for Security??Authentication??Privacy??Threats: Denial of ServiceThe AAA Server - Diameter??Authentication, Authorisation and Accounting??DIAMETER - Evolution from RADIUS??DIAMETER Functions??Billing (CDR creation)??COPS??Policy Support (PDP/PDF/PEP)The NGN - Next Generation Network??Architecture??Media Gateways??Media Gateway Controllers??SIGTRAN

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